Contents with the tag:
Catalina Botero: member of Fakebooks’ oversight board
The independent body will review decisions about Facebook and Instagram’s content while being committed to freedom of expression.
“South African and Colombian democracies are on a knife edge”
South African judge Edwin Cameron also highlighted the work that judges have undertaken in defence of the constitution.
How do you exercise control over your own life?
An interdisciplinary project developed by the Universidad de los Andes and the University of California, with funding from the John Templeton Foundation, seeks to answer this question.
“Trump´s warning is a huge diagnostic error”
How do we deal with Trump´s ultimatum to Colombia? Analysis by Hernando Zuleta, director of the Security and Drugs Research Center (Cesed).
The Uniandes Team, winners of the 1st Company Law Competition
Óscar Rosales, Alejandro Ortiz, and Laura Streubel were the student members of the team, which was directed by Sergio Londoño and Juan Amaya and won the prize for the Best Defendant Petition.