Nicolás Rodríguez Jeangros
I was very fortunate to have been able to study in Uniandes thanks to Quiero Estudiar, I hope one day to create a new fund with which I can give another student the same opportunity I had.
I wanted to study in Los Andes because I liked environmental and chemical engineering. My parents did not have the money for me to go to Uniandes, so, for this, reason I studied extremely hard for my Icfes exam - and I did well. Although I was also awarded a scholarship from Ecopetrol I chose Quiero Estudiar because it was a full scholarship.
Today I feel very fortunate to have studied in the Universidad de los Andes as it is the best in the country. Having been given an excellent higher education in Colombia means I have a large responsibility on my shoulders; this is something that Sergio Barrera –the Introduction to Environmental Engineering teacher- stressed in our first class.
Thanks to my academic performance, one of my teachers opened a door for me so that I could work for Texas A & M in the U.S., where I had the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally.
I currently work as a graduate assistant in the University of Colorado, U.S.A., where I am completing a PhD in sciences and environmental engineering. When I finish, I would like to work in the sector, either in statistics, which I really like, or in chemical and environmental engineering.